윗배, 배꼽(umbilicus) 중심에서 위쪽으로 6寸, 앞정중선(anterior median line)에서 가쪽으로 2寸.
On the upper abdomen, 6 B-cun superior to the centre of the umbilicus, 2 B-cun lateral to the anterior median line.
On the upper abdomen, 6 B-cun superior to the centre of the umbilicus, 2 B-cun lateral to the anterior median line.
巨闕(CV14)에서 가쪽으로 2寸, 갈비뼈각(costal angle) 아래에서 취혈한다. 명치각(infrasternal angle)이 너무 날카롭거나 갈비뼈가 不容(ST19) 아래쪽에 있는 경우에는 斜刺하여 不容(ST19)에 이르도록 한다.
Note 1: ST 19 is 2 B-cun lateral to CV14.
Note 2: If the infrasternal angle is too sharp and the rib is located inferior to ST19, ST19 can be reached by oblique needling.
Note 1: ST 19 is 2 B-cun lateral to CV14.
Note 2: If the infrasternal angle is too sharp and the rib is located inferior to ST19, ST19 can be reached by oblique needling.
- 直刺 0.5~0.8寸
- 斜刺 0.5~1寸
- 斜刺 0.5~1寸