[KMCRIC cardnews] Fenugreek: Can it Help with Diabetes?
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[KMCRIC 카드뉴스] 당뇨에 도움이 되는 호로파(Fenugreek)
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[KMCRIC cardnews] Managing Dyslipidemia with Traditional Korean Medicine Daeshiho-tang!
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[KMCRIC 카드뉴스] 한약 대시호탕으로 이상지질혈증을 관리해 봅시다!
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[KMCRIC cardnews] Heart attack patients benefit from Tongxinluo
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[KMCRIC 카드뉴스] 통심락(通心络), 급성 심근경색에 효과적
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[연구] Long-term follow-up of inpatients with meniscus tears who received integrative Korean medicine treatment: A retrospective analysis and follow-up survey
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[연구] Anti-Neuroinflammatory Effects of Arecae pericarpium on LPS-Stimulated BV2 Cells
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[키워드분석] KMCRIC 선정 2023 한의학/융합 분야 인기 뉴스 키워드 Top 10
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[KMCRIC cardnews] The Beloved National Remedy, Kyung-ok-go: Does It Work?
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