저자 및 저널: 하도형 (침구경락융합연구센터), 김서연 (경희대학교 대학원 기초한의과학과), 백용현 (강동경희대학교병원 침구과), 원지윤 (경희대학교 대학원 기초한의과학과), 남세리·신지영 (한의약융합연구정보센터), 권오훈 (해운대자생한방병원), 김수연 (분당자생한방병원), 이향숙 (경희대학교 대학원 기초한의과학과)
발표 저널: Journal of Acupuncture Research
Ha DH, Kim SY, Baek YH, Won JY, Nam SR, Shin JY, Kwon OH, Kim SY, Lee H. Current Research Trends in Randomized Controlled Trials Investigating the Combined Effect of Korean Medicine and Western Medicine Treatment. 2020;37(1):13-8. doi: 10.13045/jar.2019.00318.
This review examined recently published (July 2014 to June 2017), randomized controlled trials (RCTs) which investigated the safety and effectiveness of combined Korean medicine/complementary alternative medicine (CAM) and Western medicine, to indicate the direction for integrative medical practice. The Korean Medicine Convergence Research Information Center evidence-based medicine database (KMCRIC EBM DB) was used to retrieve relevant RCTs indexed in the last 3 years. Study design, country, sample size, disease/condition with the Korean Standard Classification of Diseases code, interventions, direction of outcomes, and adverse events were extracted and summarized. A total of 93 RCTs were included in this review. Acupuncture/moxibustion was the most commonly used intervention (n = 47; 51%), and 19% (n = 18) of the studies treated musculoskeletal disorders, followed by circulatory disorders (n = 16; 17%), and mental and behavioral disorders (n = 9; 10%). Integrative treatment was reported as more effective than monotherapy in approximately 83% of these studies. Adverse events were poorly reported in most studies.
This review suggests that integrative treatments are feasible, effective, and safe for various diseases/conditions, based on the evidence from recently published RCTs. Future studies on integrative healthcare are warranted.