일반명-영어 Schizonepeta spike, Fine-leaf schizonepeta
라틴명 Schizonepetae Spica
이명 향형개(香荊芥), 선개(線芥), 가소(假蘇), 강개(薑芥), 일념금(一念金)
학명 Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briquet (형개)
기원 형개 Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briquet (꿀풀과 Labiatae)의 꽃이삭 (花穗)

맵고(辛) 따뜻하다(溫),
폐, 간경(肺, 肝經)에 작용한다.

거풍해표 (祛風解表), 거풍해경(祛風解痙), 거풍투진 (祛風透疹), 요창 (療瘡), 초탄지혈 (炒炭止血)

거풍해표 (祛風解表): a therapeutic method of relieving the external wind pattern/syndrome and dispelling pathogenic factors from the exterior portion of the body

거풍해경 (祛風解痙): a therapeutic method of extiguishing wind to relieve convulsions

거풍투진 (祛風透疹): a therapeutic method of relieving wind to promote skin eruption in measles

요창 (療瘡): treatment of suppurative diseases of the body surface including sore and ulcer

초탄지혈 (炒炭止血): a therapeutic method for hemostatic by carbonizing the medicinals