일반명 쇠무릅
일반명-영어 Achyranthes root
라틴명 Achyranthis Radix
이명 백배(白㾦), 회우슬(懷牛膝), 천우슬(川牛膝), 계료골(鷄髎骨)
학명 Achyranthes japonica Nakai (쇠무릎), Achyranthes bidentata Blume (우슬)
기원 쇠무릎 Achyranthes japonica Nakai 또는 우슬 (牛膝) Achyranthes bidentata Blume(비름과 Amaranthaceae)의 뿌리

쓰고 시며(苦酸) 평이하다(平).
간(肝)과 신경(腎經)에 작용한다.

활혈거어(活血祛瘀), 보간신강근골(補肝腎强筋骨), 이뇨통림(利尿通淋), 인혈인화하행(引血引火下行)

활혈거어약(活血祛瘀藥): a medicinal that promotes blood flow and dispels blood stasis
이뇨통림약(利尿通淋藥): a medicinal that increases urine excretion and relieves strangury, mainly indicated in the treatment of dampness-heat in the lower energizer with difficult and painful discharge of urine
인혈하행(引血下行): a therapeutic method of treating upsurge of blood flow
인화하행(引火下行): a therapeutic principle for the ascending of asthenic fire, by adding drugs for tonifying the kidney yang to those for nourishing the kidney yin to lead the ascending deficiency fire back down to the kidney, the same as to conduct fire downward