일반명-영어 Ginger, Dried ginger
라틴명 Zingiberis Rhizoma
이명 건강(干薑), 백강(白薑), 균강(均薑), 건생강(乾生薑)
학명 Zingiber officinale Roscoe (생강)
기원 생강 Zingiber officinale Roscoe (생강과 Zingiberaceae)의 뿌리줄기

맵고(辛) 뜨겁다(熱).
비(脾)와 위(胃)와 신(腎)과 심(心)과 폐경(肺經)에 작용한다.

온중(溫中), 회양(回陽), 온폐화음(溫肺化飮), 온경지혈(溫經止血)

온중(溫中): a therapeutic method to treat yang deficiency of the spleen and stomach with warm-tonifying medicinals

회양구역; 회양(回陽救逆;回陽): a therapeutic method of using a large dose of warmor hot-natured medicinals to prevent the patient from collapsing, the same as to restore yang

온폐화음(溫肺化飮): a therapeutic method to treat retention of cold fluid in the lung by using warming and fluid-resolving medicinals

온경(溫經): a therapeutic method of warming and unblocking the meridian/channel