어제까지 6명이었는데 자고 일어났더니 17명으로 늘어났네요 ㅠㅠ 3배나 증가했음

확진자는 555명이라고 하고요

우리나라 기사들 수치가 다 제각각이어서 사이언스에서 오늘 아침에 나온 기사 퍼왔어요.



To date, there have been 555 confirmed cases of infection with the virus, temporarily dubbed novel coronavirus 2019, and 17 deaths. About 80% of the cases are in Wuhan, where the first patient sought care on 12 December 2019 and a cluster initially was linked to a large animal market there. Health officials suspect that an infected animal for sale at the market initially transmitted the virus to humans, but human-to-human transmission has since occurred in family members and health care workers who had close contact with confirmed cases.

야생동물이 원인이라고 하더니 박쥐? ㅜㅜ

The exact origin of the virus, which is similar to one that causes sudden acute respiratory syndrome and is most closely related to one found in bats, remains a mystery. Animals sold in the market are being tested for the virus, and environmental samples are also being analyzed.

우한폐렴 사례의 72%가 40세 이상이고, 40%는 당뇨, 고혈압, 심혈관 질환등 기저 질환이 있었다고 하네요.

노인분들은 특히 더욱 조심하셔야겠어요.


According to the Chinese data, 72% of the cases were more than 40 years old, and 40% had underlying diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease, If the disease more severely affects older people because of underlying conditions, that doesn’t mean there aren’t infections in other age groups, It just means that the visible infections of very sick people are in those older age groups.